A brief overview of the main aspects of Hinduism including Hinduism’s early history, built upon the following subjects:
1 Roots of Hinduism
2 Periodisation
3 Prevedic religions
3.1 Prehistory
3.2 Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1300 BCE)
4 Vedic period (1750–500 BCE)
4.1 Origins
4.2 Rigvedic religion
4.3 Brahmanism
5 Second Urbanisation (500–200 BCE)
5.1 Upanishads and shramana movements
5.2 Survival of Vedic ritual
5.3 Mauryan empire
5.4 Sanskritization
6 Classical Hinduism (c. 200 BCE-1100 CE)
6.1 Pre-classical Hinduism (c. 200 BCE-300 CE)
6.2 “Golden Age” (Gupta and Pallava period) (c. 320-650 CE)
6.3 Late-Classical Hinduism – Puranic Hinduism (c. 650-1100 CE)
7 Islamic rule and sects of Hinduism (c. 1100-1850 CE)
7.1 Muslim rule
7.2 Unifying Hinduism
7.3 Early Modern period
8 Modern Hinduism (after c. 1850 CE)
8.1 Hindu revivalism
8.2 Reception in the West
9 Contemporary Hinduism
9.1 South Asia
9.2 Southeast Asia
9.3 Neo-Hindu movements in the west
9.4 Hindutva
Each of these subjects will be expanded as updates. Some subjects I suspect will be routed into specialist top-menu items of this website and some subjects as sub-specialist sub-menu items.
To begin storytelling Hinduism history will amount to an enormous amount of writing. As the objective of this website is to make things less intimidating and present pictorially, this page will attempt to condense all that tons of material on Hinduism history into bite-able and swallow-able amounts so readers can digest Hinduism history in a nutshell.
To begin Hinduism history, a timeline is one easier way to present historical events pictorially. The following is a timeline of Hinduism.